Solomon's Seal

Today's the day ...................... for memories

This Solomon's Seal runs rampant in our garden - but in a good way, you understand.

They obviously love the shady border under the trees where they were presumably planted many moons ago.  Well that - and the frequently moist condition of the weather here in the west.  They always make me think of my late Father-in-law because he gave us a big pot of them for a previous garden, that he had dug up from his own.

Then today I found the lilies-of-the valley in extra - another plant with white dangling bells - growing in another shady bit of the garden.  And they always make me think of my Mother because she had them growing in her garden in Edinburgh.  When she eventually went to live in a Nursing Home, we dug some up and put them in a pot - and she had them on the window sill of her room there.

Lots of memories .....................   

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