Dandelion Street

Flat calm morning, with blue skies, sunshine and the odd shower.  The winds picked up in the afternoon, bringing rain this evening.  

Another early shift in the airport again, and a busy day.  I was on check-in first thing, with 140 passengers before 9am.  I went on to meet and board flights.  Walkies with Sammy, watered the greenhouse, had tea and then headed down for my shift in the shop.  A busy night of customers.  Me and Sammy managed a brisk walk tonight.  

I used to be a dandelion hater, not anymore, I enjoy seeing the cheery flowers growing around the place, especially in obscure places.  Being part of the sunflower family, they certainly aren't a weed.  Not only a great source of food for bees, but super beneficial for us humans too, I'd need to start eating them, maybe not gather them where Sammy or other dogs walk!  They are great for soil and lawns too.  With the sun shining, they brighten up this country road, which I'll now rename Dandelion Street.  Taken at Toab, Virkie. 

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