
An early start to the day as I was meeting Sole for coffee and a catch up before her shift began at 9. 
Danny and I walked to get the kids from school as the Medieval Market is on in town this weekend and that means a nightmare parking situation. Poor old Asha had already walked over 6km with her class walking to and from the fair, and then home on top of that! She had a siesta which is very unlike her, but the knock on effect is that she now can't sleep!
Jud is on the island very unexpectedly and for only 3 days. Brilliant to have her over for a late lunch and to go have a drink on the rooftop of the new hotel opposite our flat. I miss that woman living here!
Asha and I are off to Barcelona for the day tomorrow - art galleries and some shopping! It's a belated birthday present from my sister for her. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Jud.
2) Nate's excitement at a Nate & Daddy day tomorrow.
3) The chance to go explore Barcelona - never been before!

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