
We had a good night with #2 daughter and husband, to the extent that some of us were slightly fragile in the morning.

Thomas was keen to play monopoly so I did that while Mr C took James to the toy shop to spend some money he had saved up. #2 and husband had a lie-in.

After lunch we decided to go to Cragside, firstly to visit the house which James was keen to see. He asked lots of questions which was encouraging - he’s reading is still a struggle but I enjoy his use of vocabulary and the context in which he uses it. An example - he pointed out a spider’s web which had some leaves stuck in it and said “it looks like the leaves are levitating”. Well I was impressed!

This is #2 daughter and the boys in front of the marble fireplace - it’s one piece of marble, the largest in UK.

Thomas suggested he and I head off along the road to see how far we’d get before they caught up in the car. The play park is on the route out of the grounds. The boys had fun on the swings, swinging as high as they could then jumping off.

We headed home and I had time for a quick read in the sun before #3 daughter and family arrived. Ella has made rhubarb fool and her dad is cooking dinner. He has bought a bit of Italian pig called guanciale. I’m not too sure about that - it looks mainly fat!

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