My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Change of Plan.........

..............I heard there was going to be a Hot Air Balloon being fired up in the grounds of an Hotel not too far away - Oh, thought I, that could be Blippable. However, I thought this was much more so. So instead of a balloon, I give you a Peacock - not a lot of difference!!! Isn't he beautiful! The colours of his head and upper part of his train are gorgeous.

Weather not brilliant though we keep getting little spurts of sun every now and then. Temperature has dropped again down to 8 deg. C. so not very warm but the wind has dropped.

Do look on large - lower case "L" . - ( Just cropped and sharpened slightly)

Only 2 and a half days to Anni and I setting off on our holiday
- whoopee :-))

Have a good weekend.

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