My Best Efforts - Year 3


Two for One.........

.................Anni came over to have her hair cut (as usual) and was looking out for the hair dresser - he was half an hour late - when she said " Hey, Mum, come and look at this" - and there perched on the top of a tree behind a neighbours house, was this Heron! 20 shots later and he was gone. Most of the pix were ok but we both liked this one because he was gazing intently at the pigeon as if to say " Don't you dare come and sit on MY tree". I have never seen a Heron in the centre of the village before!

The weather is very sunny and bright with a few fluffy white clouds and the temperature at 1.20p.m. is 12 deg.C. but there is still that chilly wind!

We are off tomorrow on the first leg of our holiday - staying in London overnight then flying to the USA Sunday morning. My blip tomorrow will probably be pretty late and I could even miss one altogether though I haven't missed a day yet!
Blipping from the USA will obviously be dependent on signal etc., but will do my best!
Back on the 2nd May.

As usual, click on lower case "L" to enlarge

Have as great a week as I am sure we shall.

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