
By Stace91

Why is it green??

After a long and tiring day at work it was good to come home knowing I had another performance of "4 Short Plays Plus" tonight. Again it was a great success :-) the audience we have had this season have been amazing, very responsive and as an actor it is one of the best feelings :-)

I got off stage and decided to look around for something to blip as the adrenalin wound its way down. Such a cold night tonight, and very dark at the school where we perform.

Near the dressing room was this lamp post, what struck me was the light and how it had a tinge of green in it. I have not added a filter to this photo as I found it very interesting on its own. The way it stands out against the darkness intrigued me and I knew this would be my photo for today.

It is currently 9.40pm and I am knackered.

2 more shows to go :-)

Wishing everyone a great Friday and a lovely weekend.

Stace91 xx

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