View from Sandy's garden
This is a photo I took before Art class this morning from my teacher, Sandy's, garden. You can see the posh garden shed which was moved to this position from somewhere nearer the cottage. I think it's really lovely, and you can also see some of the view from part of their garden. Further to the left is Arundel Castle, of which I also took a photo, but I felt the number of bare trees in the view spoilt it rather, so I'll take another one once the trees have their leaves. We actually had some sunshine when I first arrived this morning, but it went in just as I was taking this photo! Sandy and Chris work so hard to keep their garden beautiful - there are lovely flower borders and pots near the barn and in their cottage garden.
No classes are being held for the next five weeks, so I'll try and focus more on my music and the possibility of trying out/making space for the organ that I mentioned the other day.
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