Hearts for You ....

After a bit of a wretched night and day yesterday when a bit of nausea caught up with me, I sorted the meds and ok-ish today. It will pass along with the three most vulnerable days, just hang on in there. Nothing tastes the same and drinks of any kind leave a horrible after-taste. Not moaning, just sayin'. Small price to pay for health in the long run.

Lamprocapnos spectabilis or the old fashioned bleeding heart. Pleased to find some of this appearing in the garden today. Dad used to grow it when we were kids so it has a special nostalgia for me, growing up in the inner city with a square of garden where Dad used to coax all manner of pretty but sturdy flowers. Played with fractals because I just learned how! But really I just wanted to give you all hearts for sticking by me so wonderfully .....

I'll be out and about in a few days and able to blip things other than flowers:-)

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