Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Waiting patiently

Mum had an appointment to see the Eye Surgeon today. The weather was horrendous with rain lashing down and causing standing water on our route to Newcastle.

We made it safely, but I had not thought to take an umbrella. It’s actually almost impossible to hold an umbrella up while manoeuvring a wheelchair….

We both were quite wet and windswept after the short traverse from the car park to the clinic.

The consultation was thorough and (yet more) different drops have been prescribed for Mum’s dry and painful eyes. We have started the new regime already.

Margret came over for a cuppa later. She took Frank to the airport this morning for his flight to Düsseldorf. It’s been a happy visit.

I’ve watched an RPS online presentation by John Ferguson, a documentary photographer, who has worked all over the world. There were loads of cracking images. He loves Hassleblads. Does anyone out there use one?

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