A memorable day

I ordered a 'Moonpig' card for Marlane for our 47th anniversary today. I got the idea of using the Alveston Manor Hotel on the front when I was preparing for the short trip to Stratford on Avon to see the Vulcan. I thought '"I'll be passing the Alveston Manor on the way" so I dug out a photo of the hotel.
It was where we spent the first 3 nights of our married life in 1975. I remember the staff unpacked our bags ready for us and there were 'chads' all over the room. [email="joanna.durrant@bbc.co.uk"]Chads are those small, round, bits of paper [/email]that are left when the old punch tape was used to send messages via telex etc. In communication centres we had tons of the stuff, lots of which were scattered throughout our clothes by my 'friends' HAHAHAHAHAHA
They were the two blokes I lived with off the camp at RAF Innsworth, Gloucester.
The postman asked 'How many years has it been' and when Marlane answered 47, she added "And not a single happy day"! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Should have seen his face, people always say "And never a single argument".

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