Tidying the graves

It's been a busy day one way or another. After dropping the boys at school and F.M.i.L. at her day care, I went to the graves of my Father in Law and Sister in Law, strimmed (aren't battery tools brilliant!), polished the headstones and watered. Really need a couple of bedding plants, probably geraniums, to go into each bed. I've put a carnation and some campanula in each but it's really not enough.
Nipped out, on the bike, at lunchtime to pick up a Thai to celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary today. I had stir fried egg and rice noodles with chicken and vegetables. Marlane had king prawn Tom Yum soup (hot and sour) and chicken green curry with rice. I just can't do hot spicy stuff nowadays whereas, years ago, I used to love curry dishes.
After lunch I lay down and fell fast asleep for about 1.5 hours, I was very tired. The boys get dropped off between 7.15 and 7.30 so it's generally an early start for us.

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