Happy 1stBirthday MooMoo

Daughter Number 2 and Jasper picked me and a large Smart Trike up and we headed off to Reading to meet Daughter Number 1, Matty MooMoo and his daddy at a soft play area for Toddlers. It was a really nice venue you have to pre-book. Matty had a lovely time for his birthday and we enjoyed crawling about with him and having lunch there together for his Special Birthday. It was unfortunate the owner felt the need to keep telling us off for sitting on the play equipment or bring our own baby snacks!!! 

We then went back to DN1's where Matty opened his present. I bought him an amazing 6 in 1 smart trike and added a honker!!! Oh he loved it! We took him out for a walk in it and he just kept laughing!!!! He also loved the card I made him and started to point out everyone in it. Melty Heart Moment!

My sister and Niece popped in with pressies. It was great to see her.

We had dinner together and sang Happy Birthday to Matty as his cake with candles arrived. We was allowed cake for the 1st time and of course he loved it! He had a right proper sugar rush after his bath and kept trying to cuddle Jasper in just their nappies!!!!

Ive added a few extras of such a wonderful day. Dinner was quite comical and the boys make such a mess!!!!

Happy Birthday to the most Amazing Little Man. I love him so very much.

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