Not even my shoes

Have made me smile today.

So, James seems not to be rid of his chest infection, so he is back at the Doctors on Monday.

I am a mess, emotionally mostly, but in other ways too. So I am at the Doctors a week on Monday, the the consultant in a little over two weeks.

It's hard to accept. I am still in pain but that is to be expected. I am struggling to sleep and then struggling to cope with how I am feeling. It's pretty obvious that something is not right so I can only assume that it is something hormonal following the operation, although it shouldn't be, in theory.

I don't need telling not to do too much. I have been good today. Corin took for me lunch (I suspect so that he could make me eat something instead of me saying I am not hungry, which I am not, most of the time). We watch the Artistic gymnastics European finals this afternoon which made me yearn for my younger days. I have cooked a delicious and healthy tea...spag Bol made with lean steak that I minced myself, so no dodgy bits, with loads of celery and red pepper in the sauce. Was SCRUMMY.

Have even managed to get a birthday card in the post.

But despite all of that, I am covered in a cloud of blackness.

THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS AND VIEWS ON YESTERDAY'S BLIP. Am now wondering what it takes to get on the spotlight page. Clearly not celebs!

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