Kitchen chemistry, garden silliness

My physical limitations are driving me to distraction. So I am engaging in a little kitchen chemistry by investigating different ways of making a good strong bubble mix for giant bubbles.

Need to let the first batch 'brew' overnight but we had a trial run outside, in the twilight. This wasn't the biggest we did but it was the only one I managed to get focussed on. Have tinkered with a bit of exposure and colour adjustment on the bubble and desaturated everything else.

Have also been playing with interference patterns and bubbles under the microscope again, but more of that over the next few days.

My boys have made me laugh a lot today. So much it hurts in fact. But all good. Especially having watched Kerrang TV for the last 4 hours or so...rocking out on the sofa - James and I have very similar taste in music and a shared dislike for certain bands. It's been a treat to have him stay downstairs for a few hours.

Tomorrow's mission (which will require Corin's assistance) - find a black light and glow in the dark paint.

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