Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


Cutting branches -day, apparently.
I had to make a detour today and run some errands before going to the Red cross. An appointment to check my eye sight, check! I've noticed that my left eye is has reduced eye sight, I can't see sharpness set automatically by my camera with that eye anymore. Time to check it out and get stronger glasses.
Walked home today and got a large blister under my foot from it. Anyone have any suggestions of how to not get blisters? I really need to keep walking and every time I get blisters, the water filled kind... Not fun! Limping around at home now... Not the worst thing that can happen, of course, but really annoying!
As usual I'm really tired after my work and walk and will get to your journals tomorrow. Hope everyone have a great weekend!

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