Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


A friend of mine on Blip suggested that I should write my blips in Kurmanji… I thought I'd try… and give my Kurdish friends a laugh… :D

Iro piştî ku tastê dayika min û ez danûstandin e. Piştî ku firavîn ez havale min çay vedixwim ligel in. Em bi hev re diaxiwin ji bo gelek sa'et.

And now English…
Today I met a friend I haven't seen for 20 years. We were the best of friends for many years and lost contact after a situation. I've thought a lot of her over the years, missing my friend. Now we've finally gotten in touch again and talked for hours, first at Wayne's Coffee where I had two large chai latte (!!!) and my friend had coffee, and then for many hours after leaving the café. We talked about what's happened during these 20 years, about what happened when we lost contact and about so much more. Strangely enough it felt so right even with 20 years apart… She's still the same wonderful person and I'm really, really happy to have reconnected with her. 6 1/2 hours just flew by and I think we could've talked much longer. :D Hopefully I'll see her soon again. :)
No, I just gave a really short version in Kurmanji… ;)

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