
By LadyPride

Because she's worth it...

It's nice to get away, but I do love being back. Have turned into such a home bird since becoming a mother. Clucked around the house today, getting it back into shape (to be fair my husband did a great job while I was away - even though he admitted to cleaning up the man's way - i.e. leaving it, then having a mad cleaning frenzy just before I got home!)

Audrey seems to have forgiven me for leaving her and was on good form. Still a bit sniffly but a million times better than a few days ago.

Once my husband woke from sleeping off his night shift, we went to the Trafford Centre. I've made quite a bit of money on eBay recently so wanted to treat myself. I must have had a sign on my head telling shop staff to be rude to me though as we encountered some right uppity ones, particularly in Selfridges. Ended up not buying the shoes I wanted as the girl was so rude and went home and ordered them online instead. Pffffft!

Walked to Didsbury after Audrey's afternoon nap and had an early tea with my sister Jo at the Met. See pic of her and Audrey (alike or what!) I still can't get used to having my sister so close. I'm not sure the novelty will ever wear off. I loved nattering away and even had a cheeky glass of wine. Time ran away with me though and it meant a march home and a late bath for Audrey. She wasn't so much tired as hyped up and took some mega soothing to calm her down before bedtime.

If you take a few liberties (like a later bedtime) with babies, I've learnt that there's always a price to pay. But tonight it was worth it....

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