
By LadyPride

9.31 to Manchester Piccadilly

Of course I didn't sleep a wink last night. My first night away from Audrey. Typical isn't it? Although neither did my husband (who was babysitting) if our 4am text message conversation was anything to by.

Him: "Miss you xxx"
Me: "Miss you too, haven't slept a wink! Typical! Why you awake?"
Him: "Just got back in from Circle" (a nightclub in Manchester I hate)
Me: Funny! No seriously why?
Him: "Banana and toast session with Audrey in the kitchen"
Me: "Oh dear..."

Sounds like she was awake crying on and off most of the night. Really hope this recent illness hasn't brought on some sort of sleep regression. Maybe it's because we've taken her off her milk temporarily. Whatever it is, I'm determined to fix it!

Was lovely to see Sholto when I got up (see pic with his gorgeous Mummy). Such a happy little chappie in the morning. He is such a good baby, hardly cries. Staying with him and Lucy makes me realise how difficult Audrey has been, not so much now (illness aside), but in the early months. She was such high maintenance and cried at the drop of a hat.

Having said that I still missed her terribly last night. Caught the 9.31 train out of Winchester to get back to her. Caught wait to see her cheeky face!

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