More commonly named as Foxglove. I have been gifted this one from the birds, as I have never planted any, but I am not complaining. It even grew in the perfect spot in a little corner at the back of one of my borders.
Aerobic/Interval class this morning, which was the usual fun, followed by coffee in S'bury's Cafe with friends from the class. No shopping today. But I now need to think of my trip to South Africa, which is coming closer. Organise what clothes I'm taking, well at least those that fit!!!! Order currency. And of course make sure I have all the camera kit I'm taking earmarked.
You will see in the extras the mystery item from yesterday. Gold Stars awarded to Incredibish (glad I remembered my French), Happy_Janwin, who hinted in the right direction, and JMK who spotted that is is a gadget for slicing hardboiled eggs. So well done, great bit of fun.
Thanks to all of you who have dropped by this week, and for your comments and rewards, much appreciated as always. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Take care , and stay safe :-) x
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