Ohhh baby baby baby oooph
I had the utter joy of meeting my great-niece last night.
Kids are kinda funny round me. I think you have to know me to love me... but this one. Aw. She was just fine and dandy; no strangeness at all.
Admittedly I did not throw myself at her or grab her. I sat and waited, and watched, and then I pounced.
Oooh the joy of having a wee squirming hoooman in your arms. The feeling of her going rigid with joy while her mumma jumped up and down behind the sofa. And the absolute pouring of love when she snuggled into my neck and squealed at me completely at ease.
And that babba smell.
Oh that babba smell.
If you could bottle it, and spray it around the world, we'd all love each other, so very much more than we do.
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