double yellow

The park next to the cafe where I work has a lovely horse chestnut tree with attractive pink blossoms. Apparently the pink-flowering trees are hybrids and don't produce many conkers. They are a lot less common than the white-flowering variety. I also learned while researching this that the horse chestnut tree is a symbol of the city of Kyiv.

A busy day at the cafe and afterwards I went to Tesco to get fuel and there was gridlock with everyone trying to leave the carpark and not being able to get onto the roundabout leading to the bypass. This is a very rare occurrence in Dumfries - we aren't used to being held up in traffic... I decided to park, do the World, send some messages and chill out until the queues disappeared. Just as well, since suddenly there was a prolonged and torrential rain shower! Once cars and rain had abated, I drove home and was glad of the cup of tea waiting for me.

Its Fasting Friday, so time for the second half of our film ("Her") and then an early night. 

Have a good weekend, everybody!

Sarah just came in from the garden with about 40 slugs which she had removed from my veg patch..they have now been rehomed far from my seedlings :-(

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