
I was too busy to upload my blip yesterday!

In the morning I met Joanna at the famous Dunscore Church Plant Sale. It started at 11 but long before that the village was mobbed by people donating their excess plants and buying up new ones. Joanna was lucky to get these petunias, which were selling like hotcakes :-) We went into the hall for tea and chat and met lots of folk I'd not seen for a while, so that was nice.

In the afternoon I tried to make a start on the gardening jobs and mowed the grass. Elaine came round with some tomato plants for me and we had a tour of the garden (weeds and all).

Fortunately D was making the tea which I ate quickly and then went out again. Joe and I were going to see "Chess" at the Theatre Royal, performed by the very excellent Dumfries Musical Theatre Company.

The "200" sign refers to the 200th anniversary of the building of the present Dunscore Church.

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