
By KaliBug

Shhhh I'm Trying To Make A Point

Today (April 19th) is called the Day of Silence or D.O.S. and tonight is called Night of Noise. D.O.S. is when people stay quiet all day (no talking and such) to take a stand against L.G.B.T.Q. bullying, hatred, and exclusion. I've done this every year since I knew about it. I have always been an advocate for same sex marriage rights and went to "No on 9" rallies when I was 4.. Used to sing for benefit events at S.M.Y.R.C. (L.G.B.T.Q. safe center). All that jazz.

Last Dec. my little sister (12 at the time..almost 13 now *Gwen*) came out as a lesbian to me. I was so honored that she trusted me with this information! And if you are reading this and thinking "quick send her to one of those groups that gets rid of the gay in you" I have two words for you: FUCK OFF. For everyone's information, Who you love isn't a choice. Did straight people choose to be straight? No. Do people who prefer apples over pears choose to be that way? No.

I am not ashamed to announce to the whole world that I am bisexual. I don't care what you say about me. I'm not going to apologize for who I am or for your fear and hatred. I will stand tall for myself, for my friends, for my sister, for my godmothers (yes I have 2, yes they're married and guess what?! They're raising their daughter just fine!), and for anyone else who is being oppressed.

Night of Noise for me will be with my G.S.A. at 7 tonight at the bowling ally! Super excited. (going to bowl with the bumpers up I think.... yeeeeeah) I really dig bowling but I'm no good at it lol.

Also, my I just point out that I am super proud of my sister (Gwen)? She started a G.S.A. at her middle school, she organized everything for her school's Day of Silence, and she even made a Facebook page for it!

Go out into the world and inspire.

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