
The children did this in their art lesson today.  This is mine to show as an example.  I managed to trace onto a polystyrene tile from their repeated leaf pattern they did in their art books last week. Then showed them how to make the indents using a pencil. Once they had finished that, they went to the teacher who showed them how to roller the paint onto the tile and then place on paper and roller again to get their print.  They enjoyed it and they all look brilliant.

Tinks update….. I forgot to mention on my Wednesdays back blip that I took Tinks to the vet for a check up and he’s very happy with how it’s healing. So the bandage is off but the cone of shame is on to stop her licking it.  We are back tomorrow (Saturday) to have the stitches out.  She hates the cone and hopefully it won’t be for too long and she is holding her foot up a bit more than when she had the bandage on.

Extra… just had to add the sky tonight as it really does look like fire.

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