Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

New (old) playlist

A smattering of packing today, but really, there’s no use doing it too early - and as we have an afternoon/evening flight, we’ll have plenty of time tomorrow.

JR picked up a couple of bananas at the shop on the way back from the gym, and I made the ‘mug muffins’ this morning. Very nice!

JR took Archie out for a big walk after her gym session. I had a nice time checking out Amazon music. As I have Amazon Prime, I also have access to this music, but I’ve never used it. However, I had a jolly time searching through their ‘oldies’ collection and came across SO MANY long forgotten favourites. It was great fun. I’ve got about 70 songs downloaded. Of course, all the new stuff, and indeed the more specialist stuff, is only available on the next level of membership. But I’m quite happy with my new playlist to drown out the godawful gym music.

Funnily enough, the Apple Support person who said he’d look into my problem and ‘get back to me’ - DID (get back to me). He reckons we should be able to access it using a computer. Though that’s what the technician in the computer shop tried. But I’ll (hopefully) borrow Hazel’s laptop and give it a go. When I come back from my holiday.

Which is TOMORROW!

Photo by JR

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