Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Champagne Day 1

An afternoon flight has advantages, but also, disadvantages. Plenty of time to pack and get organised, but you arrive at your destination rather late…

As soon as Elizabeth collected Archie, we popped to Robert with Archie’s bag of stuff - toys, food, blanket, carrots…

When we got to the airport, all qualms that I had about paying £6 (each way) for Fast Track Security were forgotten, as we were faced with HUNDREDS of folk there before us!!! Boy, I was so merry fast-tracking through security! In fact, so jubilant were we, we shared a bottle of rosé while we waited for our flight. 

Inevitably, it was delayed, and with France an hour ahead of us, we landed after 10pm. We met our pre-arranged transport (YAY!) and were told it was about one and a half hours to Reims, which was a wee surprise. However, I had my new Amazon music playlist, and very kindly gave one of my ear pods to share with JR and drown out the driver’s radio…

Eventually we arrived at the hotel after midnight, and it took rather a long time to check in - the young man at the counter was learning, and didn’t really know what to do. We must have been the last three people checking in that day - don’t know what was difficult about that.

Hazel (our tour leader) was getting a bit stressed sorting it out, and needed a large glass of wine afterwards, even though it was 1am!

The hotel is right beside the cathedral (we pushed the boat out here). There is NO piped muzak! BLISS. And we have a coffee machine in the room!! My cup runneth over.

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