Saturday: Tropical

This morning was the first day we felt the humidity that is such a feature of Ottawa’s summers.  We headed out early to do some shopping and it was already pretty sticky at around 10am.

That translated into a huge thunderstorm this afternoon.  We actually had alerts on our phones telling us to take cover.  The alerts, which cause your phone to make very loud screeching noises, are quite alarming……which I guess is the whole point.  We got off quite lightly but there are a lot of places without power.

The boys, T&K, came over for dinner. K cooked up an amazing leg of lamb - in fact, I’m quite amazed at what K achieves in the kitchen with very few utensils.

We asked the boys whether storms like today’s are normal but apparently they aren’t.  They said they hadn’t seen rain like since they lived in Burma.

Well, at least it’s good practice for rainy season at our next destination (see what I did there.)…….

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