Sunday: The Water Feature

Do you ever have days where you have photo opportunities but you just don’t take them?  Well, today was such a day.

We had intended to go downtown today to watch the corgi festival, in honour of the Platinum Jubilee.  As it happens, the weather was pretty poor all day and it looked like it might be called off, so we decided not to risk it.  

But a lovely surprise this afternoon.  We have minimal equipment in the house, all of which we have bemoaned with the boys.  This came about in conversation last night as we have the tiniest (as in thimble sized) wine glasses, which means we fill them every 30 seconds with unseemly haste.  Anyway, the boys stopped off this afternoon to drop off a large baking tray, a whisk and 4 adequately sized wine glasses.  Things are looking up, particularly as we can now drink larger glasses of wine!

This evening, we swung by my old boss’ for pizza, beer and a great catch-up.

This photo relates to none of that.  It’s a water feature in the garden (for which read mosquito breeding ground) in our garden.  

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