
I was a brave little vegemite and went right outside my comfort zone by driving over to see these guys from Australia on their UK tour playing at Riverside in Newcastle ... Edinburgh last night and Glasgow the night before ...what an exhausting business it must be.
I made a day of it by driving over to Tynemouth, getting a bit confused and ending up at Seaton Sluice before retracing my steps, walking along the bay, along the harbour wall and then getting fish and chips to eat sitting looking across the mouth off the Tyne out to sea.
Then I headed to Quayside and by sheer coincidence, as I got out the car and walked to the venue I saw the group heading in. I shouted out to Harry (extra) and we had a few minutes to chat and catch up and celebrate the Australian election.
They weren’t on stage until 9 so I still had a couple of hours to wait so I sat in the pub looking out across the river for a while and then went in. It’s a long time since I’ve stuck to the floors like that, the toilets were an adventure along a dark corridor and a bridge with men swaying out the gents as if on the high seas. I pitched and rolled to navigate my way through. I was approached by random blokes (it was very dark). It all took me back and I felt very old but they were a great, high energy band and I took lots of photos and sent them to his dad, my cousin, in Sydney, before slipping away and heading home on the empty, dark winding road over Alston Moor ... quite a contrast.

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