
from Screel Hill

As usual on Saturday mornings I can feel a bit shell shocked with my head mashed and my body feeling like a stranded ship wrecked hulk that doesn’t belong to me any more after a week in a sedentary slightly crazy parallel universe so I hauled myself up and pointed myself northwards and went abroad on a brief holiday!

There are various strategies in the well hunters repertoire and today I adopted the scatter gun approach. I headed off with three wells in mind hoping to at least hit one of them (all around the area of my allocated map square from the Galloway holy wells project). However, the fairies were out in force and I was confounded and confused at every turn. A body of water that I thought should be on the left was on the right, I ended up coming back the way I came and then ended up north when I thought I was heading south and then I thought the last one would be more effort but a dead cert. You could almost hear the fairies sniggering with the cuckoo, the ripples of laughter from the stream, a positive Mexican wave of hilarity from the banks of bluebells and much grinning amongst the golden gorse, who had clearly been necking the pina coladas, as they watched me flailing amongst the waist high heathers, dead bracken and disappearing into huge duvets and pillows of moss. No wells were captured on this excursion!
Anyway, cracking views, Gromit. It was spectacular

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