The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Scottish Theme

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went to visit Mary Doll and Victor today. They were on very good form as Victor had his scan results yesterday and they were clear.

This, however, did not prevent more funeral chat. On our walk with Mary Doll, she said that they* decided this week to organise Victor’s funeral too.

The funeral planner asked Victor what type of coffin he would like.

Victor: “The cheapest one you have”

But Mary Doll had other ideas. She told Victor she had spotted a nice one and they**agreed that it will be better.

Because it’s tartan. Yep - a tartan coffin. And the only music they have chosen to be played is ‘Flower of Scotland’!

I am a bit worried that when the time comes, my overriding emotion will be embarrassment! YMP and I were speculating on the way home that the dress code will be kilts and See you Jimmy hats!


*Mary Doll
**Mary Doll

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