
The Jedi had a great time at playgroup today. He played his uke and sang most of the way. I took my guitar as they asked if I would do song time with the kids. The excitement on some of the younger ones faces was so lovely, and Carson loved it. A quick stop up town to get a gammon for the Wildlings for tomorrow's dinner. The Jedi walked some of the way home. We went down the cycle path alongside the train station and I won't be letting him walk there again. The amount of dog poo was absolutely horrendous. I had to put him back in the trailer. 

The big wildlings had a good day at school. I was a little worried for Xander as he had been so distressed this morning. I'm assuming it was because I was away at the weekend. I let the two of them go down and play in the park themselves. First time ever I've not been there. I gave them rules to follow. And I have most of the neighbours phone numbers so I know if there was a problem they would call me. I kept myself busy while they were away and changed my guitar strings. 

It was homemade soup for dinner. Two out of four wildlings ate it. The other two just had bread and butter, they can have fruit for a snack but not a treat. I won't let them starve . 

I got a very early night last night but still feel tired today. but I needed a weekend with the girl's. 

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