Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2703. Wilhelmshaven

We had a very long day today….on the coach at 8:30 to Wilhelmshaven to go to the German Maritime Museum and on to a church which remembered the losses from the Great War and from the 2nd World War, finishing the day at a German Cemetery.

We barely had time to eat lunch but what a wonderful day, full of poignant stories and a reminder of the terrible losses suffered in war time.

This wheel was inside the church which had amazing stained glass windows.

We also visited an air raid shelter which was above ground and some three stories high…full of so much “stuff “ that the chap who owned it had collected over many, many years. He explained that the ground was too soft and sandy for shelters underground so they built these towers to accommodate many people and it was fascinating!
We start our trip tomorrow at 7:30 am so we’re having an early night, journals will have to wait yet another day!

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