Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3068. My Grandson in the local paper!

A really busy morning doing housework and getting a few bits and bobs in the town.  I have also started to use the free Apple Fitness + app that I am subscribed to with my new watch (well it’s free for 3 months) so I have been doing Pilates and Yoga three times a week to see how I get on.  I am finding it quite challenging as I’ve never done Pilates before and it’s been years since I did Yoga!  I cannot work out which of the options for the different online classes that I can choose as a complete novice so I am going to phone Apple and just ask for a few pointers.

My photo today is a photo of the newspaper cutting showing my youngest grandson and his team mates after their trip to see Newcastle play a couple of week’s ago, I’ve indicated him with a red arrow!

Just off to play Animal Crossing on my Switch for a bit!

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