Laboscope app
This morning, interesting stuff feeding Shadow and Midnight. Opened the cat diner at 5 am. I had slept in a bit, for me. So Shadow shot to the front where her food was already prepared. And I went back to feed Midnight. Midnight's eyes were wide open at Shadow shooting into the bungalow, and he had wanted to follow Shadow. That would have put the cat among the pigeons. Inside my bungalow is Shadow's personal space which she comes in when she wants a bit of me time, but she doesn't stay long, and goes ballistic if a door accidentally shuts on her, she needs to know she can always get out immediately.
So, I prepared the outside cat dishes, and Midnight is sitting waiting politely for me to finish, but My Lady Shadow shoots outside, she has finished her two bowls inside, tells Midnight that his dishes of cat food are also hers, gives him the arched back and flick of her tail (she is only inches in front of him), but Prince Midnight sits perfectly still and acquiesces to My Lady Shadow, who takes her time sampling each of Midnight's dishes of cat food. Then the moment My Lady Shadow saunters out of the garden, Prince Midnight drops his stoic posture and rushes to me, not his food dishes. For a moment I am puzzled, then I realise Midnight is asking for some special attention from me, but it is not strokes of my hand he wants (he gives a different signal for that). He wants something in special attention with food.
I have a sachet of cat food in my hand, to refill what Shadow has eaten, and fortunately it was jelly and not gravy. I open it and take a bit out with my hand. Midnight looks at me so lovingly, and eats out of my hand, then asks for more. We are doing the slow blinking trusting thing throughout. So I take more of this messy jelly cat food into my hand, and in this way he eats the entire sachet. And we are still doing the slow blinking thing. And he looks at me so gratefully and lovingly with this kind of attention. Then finally he goes to the four course buffet breakfast, which is right next to us.
And I come in and wash my hands...
Is this going to be a morning thing with Midnight?
I have so much more to say about Little Miss (baby sparrow), all is well, but I need to do stuff. Hopefully I will have time to write that tomorrow...
All the usual garden suspects are fine.
Oh, and My Lady Shadow commandeered MY bed in the potting shed yesterday. She has never done that before these last couple years or so. I went to go in the potting shed yesterday, I have some seedlings in there. My Lady Shadow puts her head up as I go in, and her face has the look of the cat that got the cream, so contented she was. Then put her head down to sleep again. This is all Popeye's old bedding (washed since then of course)...
Creative is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. A bit of experimentation in another app to get my photograph as the background to the circular kaleidoscope. The actual kaleidoscope is of a sow thistle, the seeds of which goldfinches like when they visit....
Yes you guessed it, my tea is cold again...
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