
By IntothewildMan

A visit to the Sheep’s Head peninsula

(I wrote a long piece to go with this photo but somehow it didn’t get uploaded, so I have just had a go at a reprise)

We had a delightful visit to Amanda and Peter on the Sheep’s Head peninsula, and much appreciated their warm hospitality and good company. A lot of enjoyable conversations were shared in the process of getting to know one another better, on Ireland, the extraordinary (!) state of UK politics, the holy wells and standing stones, our families and so forth….it was a real pleasure to see their garden in all its semi wild glory. We went on the next day to visit a fine local gallery and gardens and on saying goodbye to them, Amanda led us on a final trip to a holy well on the outskirts of Bantry. The water and the votive offerings were intriguing - including large statuettes of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a small kangaroo and humming bird statue, a random car key and other wonderful etceteras! I washed my hands in the holy water and Hanne Lene dabbed some on her cheeks near her eyes which had been suffering a bit and I am pleased to report they are now doing a lot better.
Many thanks to Amanda and Peter for a really enjoyable Blip meet and till we meet again, may life hold you in the hollow of her hand.

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