In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

When I was a child

When I was a child, or more truthfully, when I was a baby, I was christened wearing this robe.
Yes this relic from the past, is not a dress but a robe of the type that used to be worn by babies when being christened. ( Obviously)
This portrays an anomaly in my life.
First if all I am Athiest through and through, but then again as a baby I had no choice did I? And the only means of protest could be construed as "natural functions".
Secondly, I am Scottish, proudly so. Yet I was christened in the Church of England, here in Aberdeen.
I believe that this link came through my paternal Grandmother's grandparents who came over to here from Cork in Ireland after a relative was arrested for trying blow up a train. This was done so the rest of the family didn't get involved in " The Troubles"
So, maybe, when they came here they changed from catholic to C of E, which has all the rituals and ceremony but without the guilt.
Just a theory.
The photo is me with my mum and dad on my christening day. Glad they were there or I would be lying on the floor at this point.

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