
Daughter Number 2 asked if I would babysit Jasper for a few hours so she could paint her bathroom. She's been 3 weeks without a bathroom while her BF tried to do bits in-between work but their plumber is back tomorrow to fit the shower and bath so she needed to get some painting done urgently. Its really stressing her not having a bathroom to a point shes been in tears so I really wanted to help her out.

I took Jasper for a walk in the rain in his backpack. He babbled and blew raspberries on my hair the whole way to the post office and then the post lady thought I was Mummy, not Grannie!! Quite a compliment!!

I then gave Jasper his lunch. He has to be the messiest eater ever. Just a black Berry made him look like he'd murdered something!! But he has a great relationship with food so its fine and their kitchen still needs to be renovated!!

Sadly, later on - DN2 had her 1st ever migraine and didn't have any medication in the house. I think a combination of bright paint, thunderstorm and stress didn't help. Luckily her dad went to her rescue this time as Mr W had gone to the cinema in the car.

My wildlife camera has stopped working. I'm really disappointed as I was loving it. It seems all the reviews online are either fake or if you read deeper they are all rubbish! Its hard to know what's real. But once I get this one sent back and get a refund I'll find another one and try again.

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