

A rough gravel road took us through mountains and alpine terrain, past the St James Homestead and to Lake Tennyson. It was windy and cold. We didn’t linger, instead we began our slow return journey to Hanmer Springs.

It was a wish to visit this alpine lake, off the beaten track and surrounded by mountains and wilderness. I wasn’t disappointed. The majestic mountains and the awesome beauty of nature was everywhere.

Today’s main blip is our view as we approached Lake Tennyson - surely the loo with the best view as it sits in solitude?

The extra photos show 
.. an old building at St James Homestead
.. mountains
.. Lake Tennyson
.. alpine vegetation.

This is a day late being uploaded to Blip. Today we spent the day making our way home. Photos will be uploaded to Blip tomorrow.

A heartfelt thank you for the many comments, stars and hearts for the  tender moment of ‘mother & child’ - captured along the Kaikoura Coast. I apologise for not having the time to acknowledge you all personally. I promise to make a start tomorrow. 

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