Wednesday: Longest Serving

Today was an annoyingly bitty day.  I also had the worst introductory meeting ever -  not on my part, I hasten to add.  An organization contacted me, wanting to chat about a potential collaboration.  First of all, one of them kept their camera off the whole time so I was just talking to this disembodied voice, the other one had his camera positioned so that I was looking up his nose.  Then they launched straight into a patronizing download without any kind of pretext, until I stopped them and told them I didn’t even know anything about their organization so perhaps we could take a step back and start with some introductions.  It was definitely one of the less polished meetings I’ve witnessed.  

Fortunately for blippers, Ottawa has no shortage of statues.  Here is William Lyon Mackenzie King, apparently Canada’s longest serving Prime Minister.  I hate to confess I’d never heard of him until today.  I suspect he wouldn’t have been impressed with today’s meeting either!

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