A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Wild Drinker

We have pairs of white-throated and song sparrows and this is a female song sparrow. I tend to see them earlier in the mornings and they most often feed on the ground. They like to scratch with their feet, and only drink rain water or dew. No bird bath for them! • A rather low-key kind of day but we did accomplish a few things outside. We added a sedum and some chickens and hens to our rock garden. I bet you conjured up a beautiful image of a rock garden just now. Ha! I wish! It’s a banking of rocks that has more weeds than plants, especially in spring. Hopefully in time there will be no more room for weeds :) • MrsP wants to grow birdhouse gourds so we added a hill of those in the veggie garden, and I planted fennel and bergamot seeds for the butterflies • While still reeling from the horrific murders in Texas yesterday, I was saddened to learn of actor Ray Liotta’s passing at only 67. We adore two of his films: Field of Dreams and Goodfellas • And then there’s Ukraine, of course. Sometimes it can be too much. I’m grateful that I can step outside and escape into nature whenever I need to • Take care of yourselves and hug those you love.

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