A Day In The Life

By Irish59


Suddenly the yard is full of fledglings and juvenile birds. Tis the season. Starlings, chickadees, downy woodpeckers, and both white-breasted (pictured) and rose-breasted nuthatches • MrsP liked this shot best. He almost looks unsure of himself, still a bit awkward about how to go about feeding himself. I don’t think he’s quite grown into his legs yet either! My wish is they all survive these early days and hang out for the summer, even winter here if they don’t head for warmer pastures • A taste of summer today with temperatures hitting 91F plus humidity. Pretty yucky but we worked through it in the garden for most of the day, finishing potatoes, planting some annuals, and watering. In a couple of days our planting should be done • Severe thunderstorms are forecasted for this evening. Fingers crossed for our young plants - and baby birds!

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