St Nicholas And The Tor

With our friend Rosie on holiday this week, I gave Tess a lift to Keep Fat this morning, which is held in the village hall at West Pennard just outside Glastonbury. 

While Tess was exercising, I walked up the hill behind the village church of St Nicholas for this view of the peaceful, pretty village with the Tor beyond, then sat outside the hall in the sunshine with a book for half an hour. There was a hint of woodsmoke in the air and it really began to feel like summer.

The village school is just to the right of the church, an idyllic little spot to spend your formative years.

Late morning we drove down to Taunton for a bit of clothes shopping (unsuccessful) and to change the garden lights we bought last month that don’t seem to work (success!). While we were there it seemed rude not to pick up a couple more plants and stop for a cheese scone lunch.

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