The wreck at Machir Bay

A grey and rainy the day. We drove around Loch Gorm and saw an eagle flying above us. I got a photo but just a record shot!

We the drove to Machir Bay.  We walked through the sand dunes to find a huge golden beach.  Through the sands poked the bones of an old wrecked ship which were most photogenic.  It is thought to be the remains of the steamship Patti which was wrecked in the1840s.

It's a beautiful place even in the grey and drizzle so must be amazing when the sun shines.

In the afternoon we went to RSPB Gruinard we parked the car and ate our sandwiches before walking the woodland trail.  It's a remnant of the ancient Atlantic woodland with beautiful gnarled moss and lichen covered trees.  The woodland floor was a carpet of bluebells and other wild flowers. (Extra photo).

The rain became torrential and made us hurry to the car.  It was lucky that we had good waterproofs and boots!

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