Early morning find

Guess what I found as soon as I walked out of the front door this morning?...................... this very lovely pink ball. It was just lying in the gutter waiting for me to pick it up.

I carried it all the way to the park and then I carried it all the way home. When we got to the park I wanted to do sniffing and rolling around on my back so I had to keep putting my very lovely pink ball down. Obviously I remembered to pick it up again so now it is in my manky old balls box.

Oh and it was extremely hot and sunny this morning. Ann said, 'Trixie, it feels like summer is actually starting at long last.' However, by the time she went to work at 11am it was really cold and they actually had to shut the door and put the heating on in the shop today. Brrrrrr..............

And now it looks like it's lovely and sunny outside again but it's not warm enough to sit on the balcony drinking wine and anyway Ann is off to do a 'meet & greet' now.

Toodles. x

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