
By Bob20

Evening Cloud

A very long day today. Up early to drive to Surrey to see my mum, then a dash to Upton Park to watch West Ham v Wigan. An important game which we won very unconvincingly! Then back up the M1 to home.

I had a footy blip planned but as I neared home, I saw the first cloud of the day turning pink in the fading light. It looked fabulous.I drove past home, up on to the moor just South of Buxton and took a few shots.

It isn't a sunset as such, just a pink cloud, all on it's own. I seem to be into clouds this last week or so:) It does look great viewed LARGE.

I am going to put my feet up now. Thanks to everyone once again for the great comments on yesterday's blip. I am working my way through the replies, I don't think I have many left to respond to.

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