Day 2

Our second day in York enjoying the many things on offer. 

We headed out to the Railway Museum and spent several hrs looking round. It is excellent and very popular with young families. I took loads of pictures and had problem choosing one. An interesting area which was unexpected was the Open Store in the North Shed. There were small items of railway history, from signs to equipment to stained glass windows and more. 

Then on to Bettys. The queue was long, so we changed our plan. R had vouchers which she had been given as a present. They were getting close to their expiry date, so I took them and bought cake, tea and chocolate to take home. I will reimburse her later. The items will probably appear as a blip soon. 

After having lunch we went to the York Art Gallery. 

All good things come to an end, so we retrieved the car and drove home. The roads were busy, but we made good time and were home by 6pm. 

It has been an excellent weekend and a good way to celebrate our 51st wedding anniversary. 

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