
By analogconvert13

Meet Putzi! Leitz Summitar 50mm

I first met one of Putzi's cousins back in the mid-1980s.  I was apprenticed to Eric Herz, a harpsichord maker who hailed from Cologne in Germany.  Hanging on the peg board in Eric's shop was a strange device which looked  like a giant syringe: Putzi, aka The Huff-Puff.  It was used for blowing dirt and dust out from under the strings of harpsichords, a sort of low-tech air compressor. Years later, when I had my own harpsichord shop., I bought a Putzi.  It has been in storage for years, but I recently brought it back to the city.
Today was the official opening of the summer chicken-smoking season.  It occurred to me, What happens if I stoke the coals with Putzi?  It worked like a charm; I had a roaring fire going in ten minutes!  Why didn't I think of this years ago?!

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