Iridescent Irises

My brother has hurt his back and was unable to go to work today. He's in a lot of pain and is finding it almost impossible to sit or lie down in any comfortable way and cannot bend down to put his socks or shoes on or even tie his shoes laces - just as well he has a spare brother to hand!
The only things that appear to help are to try to keep moving as much as he can, take some strong painkillers and do some of the stretching exercises he was sent on his phone the last time he had a bad back by the nurse at our doctor's practice (the receptionist said he could not get an appointment with the doctor for at least two weeks and that this was the only option available).
Today's image was taken on a very slow walk to help my brother keep moving especially taking into account what he calls "the lean" - he can only walk if he leans to one side. It does look a bit comical - even my brother can see the funny side bless him!
It was a bit grey and overcast today and these iris blooms just jumped out at me as we passed a flowerbed in the nearby British Legion Village on our truncated stroll.

So the Sue Gray report into Partygate is now finally being published after the botched Met Police investigation (how in God's name did Bozo escape with only a single fine!!). It includes details of "Wine Time Fridays", bins overflowing with discarded bottles and rubbish, people staying until the early hours - with in one instance the last person leaving at 4.20 a.m, people being so drunk they were sick or so loud that the were asked to leave the building, an altercation between members of staff and multiple examples of a lack of respect and poor treatment of security and cleaning staff. Disgusting and abhorrent.
Junior staff members of staff who co-operated with with Sue Gray feel they have been hung out to dry whilst the senior leadership, including Bozo and top civil servants, have tried to escape responsibility when they appeared to have legitimised and encouraged these so-called "work events" (with photographic evidence to prove it). 
It makes an absolute mockery of the personal sacrifices everyone made, especially those who were unable to see loved ones in their last moments or care for vulnerable family and friends.
Those Tory MP's who continue to support our discredited liar of a Prime Minister should hang their heads in utter shame.

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